Fan Casting Iron Man (MCU Movie) as Best Movie in Best of CBMs

user_32032 made this fan casting suggestion on June 19, 2021. What do you think? See below to cast your vote, or click here to see all fan casting suggestions for this role.

Iron Man (MCU Movie) as Best Movie in Best of CBMs

Iron Man (MCU Movie)United States

A billionaire industrialist and genius inventor, Tony Stark (Robert Downey Jr.), is conducting weapons tests overseas, but terrorists kidnap him to force him to build a devastating weapon. Instead,...
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0 comments on Iron Man (MCU Movie) as Best Movie in Best of CBMs

Iron Man (MCU Movie) has been suggested by fans for 120 roles on myCast, including 2008 in Best movies of each year. Similar actors include The Avengers (MCU Movie), Black Panther (MCU Movie), and Thor: Ragnarok (MCU Movie). Iron Man (MCU Movie) was suggested to play Best Movie in Best of CBMs by user_32032. Other actors sugggested to play this role include Captain America: The First Avenger (MCU Movie), The Avengers (MCU Movie), and Deadpool (Fox Universe/Marvel Cinematic Universe). Best of CBMs has 12 roles, including Best Actor, Best Director, and Best TV show/ miniseries.

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