Sally Skellington
Lock, Shock, and Barrel
Cedric Skellington (Jack Skellington and Sally’s son)
Abigail Skellington (Jack Skellington and Sally’s daughter)
Uncle Sam Liberty (Nightmare Before Christmas)
Lady Liberty (Nightmare Before Christmas)
Dawn Liberty (Nightmare Before Christmas)
Chief Squanto (Nightmare Before Christmas)
Grace Crocket (Nightmare Before Christmas)
Santa Claus (The Nightmare Before Christmas)
Mrs. Claus (Nightmare Before Christmas)
Star Claus (Nightmare Before Christmas)
Josef Claus (Nightmare Before Christmas)
Alucard (Nightmare Before Christmas)
Ruby Valentine (Nightmare Before Christmas)
Cressida, Lady in the Sun (Nightmare Before Christmas)
Father Dearest (Nightmare Before Christmas)
Mother Dearest (Nightmare Before Christmas)
May Queen Iris (Nightmare Before Christmas)
Sonny O’Shamrock (Nightmare Before Christmas)
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