Fan Casting Kenneth Branagh as United Kingdom in Best film directors per country

jorgeemiliodeleonsilva made this fan casting suggestion on December 19, 2021. What do you think? See below to cast your vote, or click here to see all fan casting suggestions for this role.

Kenneth Branagh as United Kingdom in Best film directors per country

Kenneth BranaghUnited Kingdom

64 years old
Sir Kenneth Charles Branagh (born 10 December 1960) is a British actor and filmmaker. Branagh trained at the Royal Academy of Dramatic Art in London; in 2015 he succeeded Richard Attenborough as it...
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Fan Casting

Kenneth Branagh


United Kingdom (England, Scotland, Northern Ireland and Wales)


Best film directors per country

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Best film directors per country

Best film directors per country

Inspired by other users's stories I've seen.
by Jorge Emilio De León Silva
Cast any film director you like from each country. Actors who have directed MOVIES are allowed. Those who have only directed episodes for TV shows or have directed shorts don't count. Dead director...
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Kenneth Branagh is known for his roles in Thor, Murder on the Orient Express, and Cinderella. He has been suggested by fans for 3,160 roles on myCast, including Alfred Pennyworth in Batman. Similar actors include Gary Oldman, Ralph Fiennes, and Jason Isaacs. Kenneth Branagh was suggested to play United Kingdom in Best film directors per country by jorgeemiliodeleonsilva. Other actors sugggested to play this role include Christopher Nolan, Ridley Scott, and Guy Ritchie. Best film directors per country has 19 roles, including United States, Italy, and Mexico.

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