Fan CastingBest and Worst of comicbooks and their adaptations
Inspired by other users
by Jorge Emilio De León Silva
Story added by jorgeemiliodeleonsilva on January 4, 2022
Cast any character, actor/actress, TV show (animated or live-action), movie (animated or live action) or director for each role.
Note: In the case of best/worst male/female casting (Marvel/DC) in a movie or in TV, put the picture of the actor as the character.
Note 2: For the best voice acting, put the picture of the character the actor/actress you chose voiced. Voice acting in videogames can be taken into account as well.
Note 3: For Best/Worst male/female fan-casting (Marvel or DC), and Best/Worst male/female almost casting; put a picture of the actor/actress as the character, or a picture of the character you suggest them for, more
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