Fan Casting U.S. Agent (Marvel Cinematic Universe) as Best Superhero in Best and Worst from MCU

matiasramonsanchez made this fan casting suggestion on May 5, 2023. What do you think? See below to cast your vote, or click here to see all fan casting suggestions for this role.

U.S. Agent (Marvel Cinematic Universe) as Best Superhero in Best and Worst from MCU

U.S. Agent (Marvel Cinematic Universe)

Jonathan F. "John" Walker is a former Captain of the United States Army's 75th Rangers Regiment who was chosen to succeed Steve Rogers as the second Captain America. However, his aspirations of liv...
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Best and Worst from MCU

Best and Worst from MCU

Marvel Cinematic Universe
by Marvel Studios
Fancast of Marvel
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U.S. Agent (Marvel Cinematic Universe) has been suggested by fans for 27 roles on myCast, including Thefrandude in MyCast User's Hated Character. Similar actors include Hawkeye (Marvel Cinematic Universe), Moon Knight (Marvel Cinematic Universe), and Winter Soldier (Marvel Cinematic Universe). U.S. Agent (Marvel Cinematic Universe) was suggested to play Best Superhero in Best and Worst from MCU by matiasramonsanchez. Other actors sugggested to play this role include Captain America (Marvel Cinematic Universe), Black Widow (Marvel Cinematic Universe), and Iron Man (Marvel Cinematic Universe). Best and Worst from MCU has 20 roles, including Best Actor, Best Supervillain, and Best Movie.

More Fan Casting Suggestions for Best Superhero in Best and Worst from MCU