On Christmas Eve, billionaire Bruce Wayne returns to Gotham after ten years, having trained abroad for a war against crime. Despite his skills, Bruce feels unprepared, haunted by his time with the League of Shadows and Slade Wilson, who betrayed him. Slade, disguised as David Cain, recruited Bruce into the League, leading to a final confrontation where Bruce scarred Slade’s eye, igniting their rivalry.
Bruce investigates Mayor Oswald Cobblepot’s role in his parents’ death and clashes with Jacob Weaver. Injured, Bruce returns home, melts down the gun that killed his parents, and forges it into his Bat symbol, vowing to fight as Batman. With Lucius Fox Jr.’s help, Bruce dons advanced gear and strikes fear into Gotham’s criminals.
Meanwhile, Cobblepot hires Deathstroke, who kidnaps Sergeant Gordon’s daughter, Barbara, to lure Batman. Their battle reignites Slade’s thirst for revenge. Batman rescues Barbara, but Deathstroke deduces Bruce’s identity, intensifying their conflict. Later, Deathstroke attacks the Batcave, severely injuring Alfred.
At Bruce’s New Year’s Eve party, Deathstroke reveals his identity and orchestrates a city-wide blackout, setting Gotham into chaos. With Gordon’s help, Batman stops Slade’s plan, but the rivalry persists. In the aftermath, Bruce retakes control of Wayne Enterprises and vows to protect Gotham, as Slade is approached by Amanda Waller for a secret mission.
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