Fan Casting Jon Favreau as Director of Batman (2008)

rogerdeakinsismyhero made this fan casting suggestion on January 14, 2020. What do you think? See below to cast your vote, or click here to see all fan casting suggestions for this role.

Jon Favreau as Director in Batman (2008)

Jon FavreauUnited States

58 years old
Jonathan Kolia Favreau (/ˈfævroʊ/ FAV-roh; born October 19, 1966) is an American filmmaker and actor. As an actor, Favreau has appeared in films such as Rudy (1993), PCU (1994), Swingers (1996), Ve...
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Batman (2008)

Batman (2008)

In A Parallel Universe... (DCCU)
by Bob Kane and Bill Finger
Thomas and Martha Wayne were murdered in front of Bruce Wayne's eyes. It was through this moment that Bruce realized he needed to purge the city of Gotham of its worst criminals. So, for the next d...
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Jon Favreau is known for his roles in Iron Man, The Lion King, and Iron Man 3. He has been suggested by fans for 4,450 roles on myCast, including Director in Marvel Cinematic Universe. Similar people include Taika Waititi, Steven Spielberg, and James Gunn. Jon Favreau was suggested to play Director in Batman (2008) by rogerdeakinsismyhero. Batman (2008) has 7 roles, including Writer, Batman, and Harvey Dent.

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