Fan Casting Ric Flair as Jack Napier in Batman (1989 Alternative Cast)

seangrant made this fan casting suggestion on February 14, 2024. What do you think? See below to cast your vote, or click here to see all fan casting suggestions for this role.

Ric Flair as Jack Napier in Batman (1989 Alternative Cast)

Ric Flair

75 years old
Richard Morgan Fliehr, known professionally as Ric Flair, is an American professional wrestler. Regarded by multiple peers and journalists as the greatest professional wrestler of all time, Flair h...
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Batman (1989 Alternative Cast)

Batman (1989 Alternative Cast)

by Bob Kane
Batman makes his first adventure taking a criminal mastermind, Jack Napier until he ends up becoming a psychotic criminal called, "Joker."
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1 comment on Ric Flair as Jack Napier in Batman (1989 Alternative Cast)

  • seangrant I read online one time that Jack Nicholson based his behavior as the Joker on Ric Flair.

Ric Flair is known for his role in Andre the Giant. He has been suggested by fans for 81 roles on myCast, including Golden Era in WWE Through the Eras. Similar actors include Hulk Hogan, André Roussimoff, and Vince McMahon. Ric Flair was suggested to play Jack Napier in Batman (1989 Alternative Cast) by seangrant. Other actors sugggested to play this role include Robin Williams and John Lithgow. Batman (1989 Alternative Cast) has 10 roles, including Carl Grissom, Alexander Knox, and Bob The Goon.

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