African elephants are members of the genus Loxodonta comprising two living elephant species, the African bush elephant (L. africana) and the smaller African forest elephant (L. cyclotis). Both are social herbivores with grey skin, but differ in the size and colour of their tusks and in the shape and size of their ears and skulls. Loxodonta is one of two extant genera of the family Elephantidae. The name refers to the lozenge-shaped enamel of their molar teeth. Fossil remains of Loxodonta species have been excavated in Africa, dating to the Middle Pliocene.
Fan Casting
Bill Hader
Andy Samberg
John Mulaney
Jake Gyllenhaal
Chris Pratt
Benedict Cumberbatch
Jack Black
Neil Patrick Harris
Steve Carell
Will Ferrell
James McAvoy
Tom Hiddleston
Paul Rudd
David Tennant
Adam Sandler
Willem Dafoe
Ben Schwartz
Robert Downey Jr.
Chris Evans
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