Fan Casting Trevor Donovan as Captain America in Alternate MCU

junechristianomarbenitezmedina made this fan casting suggestion on June 16, 2024. What do you think? See below to cast your vote, or click here to see all fan casting suggestions for this role.

Trevor Donovan as Captain America in Alternate MCU

Trevor DonovanUnited States

42 years old
Trevor Donovan, born October 11, 1982, in Mammoth Lakes, California, is a versatile artist, advocate, and author. A former member of the U.S. teen ski team, Trevor later earned a bachelor's degree ...
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Fan Casting

Trevor Donovan


Captain America (Steve Rogers)


Alternate MCU

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Alternate MCU

Alternate MCU

Do NOT suggest official castings!!!
by Marvel Studios and Mr. Funcaster
An alternate casting of the MCU! - Do NOT suggest the official castings!
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Trevor Donovan is known for his roles in Runaway Romance, Surrogates, and Savages. He has been suggested by fans for 324 roles on myCast, including Eros in Electric Idol . Similar actors include Alexander Ludwig, Charlie Hunnam, and Alexander SkarsgÄrd. Trevor Donovan was suggested to play Captain America in Alternate MCU by junechristianomarbenitezmedina. Other actors sugggested to play this role include Ana de Armas, Tom Hardy, and Dwayne Johnson. Alternate MCU has 234 roles, including Spider-Man, Scarlet Witch, and Iron Man.

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