Fan Casting Cak Lontong as Choreographer of ALIEN

samueltrafficker made this fan casting suggestion on January 13, 2022. What do you think? See below to cast your vote, or click here to see all fan casting suggestions for this role.

Cak Lontong as Choreographer in ALIEN

Cak LontongIndonesia

54 years old
Ir. Lies Hartono or known as Cak Lontong is an Indonesian comedian. He is known for his funny and catchy jokes without slandering and demeaning the other party. The jokes are simple and conveyed...
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by ArjuTamilwriter
A gangster turns very powerful when a metallic meteorite falls towards Earth and a doctor also turns powerful. Together they get superhuman abilities.
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0 comments on Cak Lontong as Choreographer in ALIEN

Cak Lontong has been suggested by fans for 9 roles on myCast, including Choreographer in ALIEN. Similar people include Chris Evans, Chandra Liow, and Leonardo DiCaprio. Cak Lontong was suggested to play Choreographer in ALIEN by samueltrafficker. ALIEN has 8 roles, including Director, Parvathi, and Barush Wahin.

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