Fan Casting Raimundo Alcalde as Taylor in Aliados (Chile)

luzsantisv made this fan casting suggestion on December 1, 2023. What do you think? See below to cast your vote, or click here to see all fan casting suggestions for this role.

Raimundo Alcalde as Taylor in Aliados (Chile)

Raimundo AlcaldeChile

33 years old
Es un modelo, fisicoculturista y actor chileno de teleseries. Debutó en el año 2016 con una participación especial en la sitcom en vivo Once Comida encarnando a Michael "Miky", un profesor de ingl...
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Aliados (Chile)

Aliados (Chile)

by Cris Morena
La serie abarca problemas sociales como la promiscuidad, los embarazos no deseados, el acoso escolar, la explotación infantil, la anorexia nerviosa, la delincuencia juvenil, el alcoholismo, la viol...
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0 comments on Raimundo Alcalde as Taylor in Aliados (Chile)

Raimundo Alcalde has been suggested by fans for 12 roles on myCast, including Albin Duarte in Pasión de Gavilanes (Chile). Similar actors include Francisco Dañobeitía, Matías Assler, and Nicolás Oyarzún. Raimundo Alcalde was suggested to play Taylor in Aliados (Chile) by luzsantisv. Other actors sugggested to play this role include Max Salgado, Félix Villar, and Nicolás Oyarzún. Aliados (Chile) has 34 roles, including Mario Medina, Mary, and Josefina de Ramírez.

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