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Forums » Video Games » Movies that need Video Games

The conversation is often reversed but what movie universes would make for great video games?
I'm thinking games set in the worlds of
Men in Black
Alita Battle Angel (Movie or manga)
The Mummy
How to Train your Dragon
Pacifc Rim
I wish there was an open world game based on the waterworld universe like borderlands, GTA and the Mad Max game.
Could Waterworld be due for a new sequel, in the footsteps of Mad Max Fury Road?
stay with me here, but what about a game based on Alexander the Great, as he makes his way across Europe/Asia conquering armies. all while dealing with inner conflict and betrayal. think Assassins Creed Odyssey meets Ghosts of Tsushima meets Ryse: Son of Rome... with mass army battles throughout
the first one that comes to mind is starship troopers
I wish there was an open world game based on the waterward universe like borderlands, GTA and the Mad Max game. BTW I''ill be happy if someone create a page on every games which we mostly love to play. BTW if you are seriously doing this I'll highly recommend some best website designers out there the one i loved personally is Olya Black you can find her here