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Forums » True Stories » MyCast Cinematic Universe (mCCU) Films List

List of the canon films in the mCCU (created by batsonjacksont)
The Trial of the Wolfhard Spammers
The Tragedy of Forcez
MyCast: Apocalypse
MyCast: Infinity
MyCast: Outcast (Spinoff)
MyCast: Insanity
MyCast: The Rise of Aviagarwal (Prequel)
MyCast: Annihilation
MyCast: Strike Back (Spinoff)
MyCast: T.R.O.L.L (The T.R.O.L.L Trilogy)
MyCast: Takeover (The T.R.O.L.L Trilogy)
MyCast: Defeat (The T.R.O.L.L Trilogy)
MyCast: Rise to Leadership (The Rise to Leadership Series)
Dani's Story (Spinoff)
The Ben Jombunud Story (Spinoff)