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Forums » Minorities » Disabled people playing disabled characters?

This is arguably more a fault of my own- be the change you want to see and what not- but I was looking to see if anyone had any “stories” (don’t really like how that’s our only categorization tool) to find disabled actors and actresses, but I can’t really find any?

And there’s this whole thing about how we should have disabled people play disabled characters, but there’s nothing that is like “hey, this person has this going on” and you can’t find it in stuff about them and no one’s compiled any information on here, and why I am I using mycast in particular if I can find the information elsewhere?

Anyways I couldn’t find any “stories” that exist to compile disabled and neurodivergence *actors* rather than characters- I found one for “inspiring” actors, but aside from that being a condescending title, it’s also for “inspiring” individuals in general, which one trait that marks that apparently being veganism (?) so it’s not very useful