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Forums » Issues » Clone Account Spammer alert

Alright, I normally dislike taking these kinds of things publicly—it’s more trouble than it’s worth, in my opinion—but after having to clear out nearly ten of this guy’s alts from one of my fancasts, having to lock said fancast's contributions to just myself and two people I trust because of his nonstop spamming, and staff doing nothing about the report I sent in regarding this person, I’m dropping this here. If you’ve made Pokemon or fighting game-related voiceover fancasts, you may have seen someone named emirarsyadtemenggung in your notifications dropping a bunch of nonsensical casting suggestions (like casting white voice actors for characters of color EVEN IF you say to only cast voice actors of color for them, casting extremely old people as teenagers and young characters, casting people who haven’t acted in decades, etc).

This guy not only has nonsensical casting choices, but he’ll use a ton of alts to spam his suggestions to the top while spam-downvoting anything that actually makes sense, and god forbid if you block him—he’ll use his alts to block evade, spam your PMs to get you to unblock him, or even impersonate you or harass other people who contribute to your fancasts to add his casting suggestions for him. I’d know, because he did the latter to me and a few people who regularly contribute to my stuff, in addition to spamming me nonstop since May. He even tried to impersonate me on my own fancast, thinking I’d somehow be fooled into unblocking him. (archive link since I blocked said alt)

Also, here’s some examples of him using alts to push up his casting suggestions:****a/107168648

Anyways, here’s a list of all the alts of his that I could find, either because I caught him using them on other people’s fancasts or he tried to use them on me. They’re pretty easy to spot, as they all have Indonesia set as their country, have similar names, only seen to upvote his suggestions and are largely blank outside of that, and all have the same interests. Some are entirely blank because he made them solely to try and spam-upvote suggestions of his that he tricked somebody into adding to my fancast, and completely abandoned them after I blocked him, but he might dig them up in the future so I’m including them here as well.

If you don’t want to deal with his spamming, I’d highly recommend blocking them. I’m sure he’s probably going to make even more in the future, but hopefully this’ll dissuade him a bit.
Thanks again for the heads up about the user, already blocking the accounts in question that they have.
Hi, i'm a moderator here. Late reply, but, i have removed some of those accounts. Although, i'm unable to remove some other of his accounts due to me just being a mod and not an admin.
He made another alt again... I'd know because he literally dm'ed me with it this morning.

I don't know why he can't accept that when someone blocks you, they don't want to talk to you. I swear, there needs to be like, some kind of limiter on how many accounts people can make or something, because his alt spam is getting ridiculous.

And now Emir's taking to the forums again, trying to start stuff by whining and crying about getting blocked. Of course he is.
Man, as if today wasn't awful enough already for personal reasons, Emir's once again back with an alt to spam my pms.

Self-explanitory. Honestly, it'd be nice if this site had a way to turn off pms or at least limit them to certain users to avoid situations like this.
Gonna go ahead and add this to the lengthy list of Emir's crimes.

He's now making forum topics to harass others into adding his casting suggestions to fancasts that have blocked him, and is still using the forums to badger people to unblock him, so there's that.
Heads up to anyone who's blocked him in the past - it seems that Emir has deleted and remade. Here's his new account.
He deleted and remade again. New account is here if you need to block:
After having both his main account names squatted by others, it seems that emir's trying to return under different usernames. This guy shows up in my notifs earlier.
Thanks again for letting us know. While this guy has deleted his other username, the squatters have taken the user name he created just in case he decides to come back with that username.
Back again, back again. Emir's made more clone accounts, so more to block:

According to a buddy of mine, he also made another one called megaemirtemenggung specifically to pester people who'd blocked him. It seems to be deactivated now, though.
Back again, back again. Emir's made more clone accounts, so more to block:

According to a buddy of mine, he also made another one called megaemirtemenggung specifically to pester people who'd blocked him. It seems to be deactivated now, though.

And it's back up now and I've already block that new account too.
Of course it is. Honestly, I think the only thing that'll stop this man at this point is having his IP address banned from the site.
Of course it is. Honestly, I think the only thing that'll stop this man at this point is having his IP address banned from the site.

I know, if we had more mods/admins on here, all these trolls would be gone in a matter of hours.

Of course, guess who's back again to be blocked.