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Forums » Feature Requests » Front page for not logged in users needs an update

I don't know if anyone else feels the same way as I do about this, as I think the main page for those who are not logged in needs to be updated to reflect more recent casting choices than those currently being featured as from way back in 2017 not to mention with changing the Twitter icon to X.
(I know self replying to myself.)
Well, that icon got changed a while ago and the site still shows the old casting choices from years gone by. And if this was to be changed, how recent should this be for the main page roles cast in the past year or even 18 months ago?
Honestly I'd half-wonder if the reason why people are constantly upvoting that one pic of Dove Cameron with black hair to force staff to update the casting suggestions lol.

But yeah, it probably could considering at least a few things have been contradicted by actual adaptations at this point. I think around a year or so ago would probably be best for keeping things current. I will note that they have updated things for logged-out users recently, but only to hide the newest stories section from people who are logged out. Which. I don't understand the logic of???