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Forums » Feature Requests » Copy Stories

A feature where you can make a copy of an existing story (this can be effective is someone if make a sequel, so that all the roles can carry over)
Another idea I am supportive of and also just like other users on here also group the stories in a series that a user creates together.
I second the request to copy a story to support a story sequel
I feel like this could be a good idea with a few anti-spam measures in place. As someone who does a lot of dubbing-related fancasts and ongoing series that reuse a lot of roles/role info, it would be nice to have a way to quickly add in roles so I don't have to re-add them all again, but something like this could also be easily abused by spambots for spamming all their nonsense. Maybe the copy feature could have some sort of anti-spam inhibitor like copying the same fancast constantly within a very short period of time forces you to wait a little bit before copying it again or something like that?
Anti-spam is frustrating when someone like me is on a rush for something. Don't like an inhibitor affecting me.
It might be obnoxious to you, but it would be a necessity with the current bot problem going around. It's obnoxious as-is, but could you imagine how much more of a pain it would be to deal with if the bots had a convenient little button that lets them duplicate or even triplicate their spam fancasts in the blink of an eye? It would be basically impossible to find any actual fancasts because you'd have to comb through a gigantic sea of spam "fancasts", not to mention it would make the staff's job harder because they'd have to spend even more time cleaning out spam fancasts, and with the team being as constrained as it is, it would also leave fewer people available to deal with other on-site issues because they'd have to direct more of their attention to dealing with bot spam.

If properly implemented, it shouldn't even be a bother for actual users—just the bots who constantly spam like, 20-50+ spam ads all the time. Even if it doesn't have anti-spam, there should at least be some insurance against bots, because we all know whoever's behind the bot accounts would immediately abuse a feature that would allow them to easily make complete clones of their spam fancasts and not have to put in extra work to make them.